F.A.Q.frequently asked questions

Here we've collected the most frequently asked questions and their answers in order to help you get to grips with the game easily. If you can't find the answer to your question here, you can always contact our support team.

What is a Premium account?
The Capitalist Premium account gives you access to advanced features, such as collection of Emoji smileys for your playing chip, games for friends – games that only your friends can enter, public chat, possibility to buy companies (game fields) in credit if you do not have enough game funds or do not want to spend your capital, X2 cheaper credits and much more.
How can I get a Premium account?
Premium status is granted to all players whose capital has reached $500,000,000. You can also buy it and start enjoying all the benefits right away.
What is a Line of credit?
Line of Credit allows you to borrow from a virtual bank to buy a field when you do not have enough 'cash' for it or at the moment you do not want to spend it. You can only take a single credit at a time and get a new one by repaying the current one.
How do I change the bank card linked to my account?
For the safety of your funds, you can not change the number of the already linked card by yourself, to change it you need to contact technical support and provide your nickname, number of the previously linked card and number of the valid card.
I do not like another player. Unsportsmanlike behavior in a game or chat. What should I do?
You can add a player to your blacklist and that player will no longer be able to enter the same game with you and write you personal messages. Open your account settings, the Blacklist section, then nickname the player you want to add to the blacklist.
Can't play the same game with a friend or family member. What should we do?
Most likely you play with the same WiFi. Only one player can play from one IP address at the same table. This rule helps to preserve the principles of Fair Play. You can play together from the same IP address if you create a Games for Friends. Simply add your loved ones to your Friends List and play together without restrictions.
What do the stars in the player profile mean?
This is a player rating, determined by his skill - the ratio of all played games to those that resulted in winning
Why can't I buy shares in Korean and Chinese fields?
The fields of Korea and China do not imply acquisition of shares, the cost of passing through them directly depends on the number of fields of these countries by one owner.
If I have to leave the game urgently, how will it affect my result?
You will automatically be given a defeat. If you decide to quit the game, don't quit just by closing the game - please press the Give Up button, then your opponents won't have to wait for your time out.
I do not trust the dice! I think that they play along with the opponent.
Number on dice, depends only on your luck, the game chooses options completely random - we use an effective mechanism for generating random numbers with multiple degrees of protection. The script is patented in the US and licensed by the most popular game-rooms.

Feedbackour support team is always in touch

If you still have any questions about the game, or have any difficulties, or maybe suggestions or wishes about the work of our game club - write us about it. The Capitalist support team is always here to help you. We always do our best to respond promptly.

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